Saturday 15 October 2016

Vivimos en un océano de engaño, nuestra comunidad esta siendo manipulada, desinformada, y destruida por un abate y un grupo minúsculo de gacetilleros de radiodifusión, con estrategias criminales...

   Juan Manuel Santos, another Nobel Prize of the Death

x Vicky pelaes
Now the Nobel Peace Prize will try to achieve the maximum advantage over the guerrillas making renegotiate the peace agreements without offering any collateral guaranty.

Alfred Nobel is probably turning in his grave since the day they announced that the top prize for peace was awarded to Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, for this man is the mastermind of the most horrific murders in his country.

With this no doubt Nobel already lost count of thousands, or rather, millions of innocents who were killed by Nobel Peace Prize, as Henry Kissinger, Menahem Begin, Shimon Peres and Rabin and Barack Obama Isacc.

About Juan Manuel Santos, his record of murders in the form of 'false positives' number about 6,000 and about 200,000 displaced Colombians while he was defense minister (2006-2009) in the government of Alvaro Uribe partner. But of course this does not compare to the atrocities and massacres organized by Henry Kissinger in Vietnam, where more than six million people, including 59,000 American soldiers lost their lives. Also the sinister Nobel Peace Prize Kissinger was the promoter of coups in Chile and Argentina and one of the creators of "Operation Condor", which took the lives of many thousands of people to the cemeteries were overcrowded.

Its award-winning colleague, Menachem Begin, was described by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez (who died in 2014) as "the Nobel Prize of Death 'along with partner Ariel Sharon. García Márquez wrote that the Camp David Accords signed Beguin with Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat, "would have no other purpose than to open the space to exterminate first the Liberation Organization (PLO) and create then new Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria. "

Shimon Peres, another holder of the Nobel Peace Prize, was arming Israel with nuclear weapons (it is estimated that Israel has over 200 nuclear devices). Also while serving as prime minister ordered the bombing operation on Lebanese soil called 'Operation Grapes of Wrath' deliberately massacring, according to a commission of the United Nations, more than 102 civilians, mostly children and women victims.

Recently, almost one of the last American scholars who remain without losing touch with reality, James Petras, categorically stated that "the Nobel Peace Prize is a way to reward the murderers of the world", referring first to Barack Obama, who received the award in 2009. according to the Commission Nobel Prize, US President deserved this distinction "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples" qualifying today is risible in the eyes of the world.

For Obama, "cooperation between peoples" was to launch seven wars "attacking", as Petras complaint, "Syria, invading and spreading wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya seven more places". The president himself said in 2015: "We have the strongest army in the world and sometimes we have to twist his arm to countries if they do not want to do what we want using economic, diplomatic and sometimes military methods". This is the current profile of the Nobel Peace Prize of most politicians who receive it. Juan Manuel Santos is located in the last row of these winners.

Spokeswoman Nobel Peace Committee to announce its choice for this distinction was "a recognition of the hard work and the very important initiative of President Santos". What he omitted to say the speaker was that he had not really been "initiative" of Santos to promote the peace agreements with the FARC and later with the National Liberation Army (ELN), but the US State Department and the CIA , which concluded that the guerrillas were at an impasse.

First, they were not able to defeat the army due to selective beheading of its leader as a result of using the method of 'targeted killing', taught by Israeli instructors dome. Precisely during the administration of Santos as Defense Minister of Colombia (2006-2009) and right hand of President Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010), this method was used frequently. Second, the FARC and the ELN could no longer safeguard their communications because satellite surveillance and the use of drones controlled by the Pentagon through its seven military bases, although many analysts say are nine bases that are installed on the Colombian territory. The jungle where the guerrillas refuge has become, according to journalist Ignacio Ramonet, "in a transparent glass jungle where survival is increasingly random".

Finally, there has been the situation when both the guerrillas and the army have lost the ability to overcome. So for American analysts is time to induce the guerrillas to engage in peace talks without awaiting its gradual destruction, which was actively Juan Manuel Santos involved, it was a relentless lover of war as defense minister Star Uribe government. During his tenure began the largest military offensive and the violation of human rights by the military following the Colombia Plan and subsequently installing the Patriot Plan, using methods of 'ethnic cleansing' and 'scorched earth' against the FARC and ELN.

Precisely at that time, the Colombian land was irrigated with the corpses of more than 6,000 youths known as "false positives". To end the protests, rallies and discontent and, at the same time intimidate the population and incidentally show their 'competition' their American mentors, the army kidnapped rural youth, put them olive green uniform, moved to the near conflict zones places, he planted their weapons and killed them. The media at the service of the globalizers immediately reported on the "successes" of the army in the fight against the 'subversive'.

The current Nobel Prize Santos was an active participant in the implementation of policies of genocide against the Colombian people. Mothers of Soacha will never forgive Santos death of his 16 children, who were led in 2008 to Ocaña, Norte de Santander, more than 500 kilometers away, where they had never been with the deception of a job, without know that expecting a cruel fate of 'false positives'. According to the report submitted by the Special Counsel of the United Nations on extrajudicial executions in Colombia, Philip Alston, "impunity for these crimes committed by the military was 98.5%," precisely during the Uribe government whose Minister of Santos was defense. He informs the reporter that "what happened to the 16 young men from Soacha showed extreme cruelty with which they can act to achieve effectiveness in fighting various cases against enemies."

The same ruthlessness showed Santos Minister chairing the bombing of Ecuadorian territory in 2008, violating its sovereignty and achieving assassinate FARC commander Raul Reyes and the 22 fighters while they slept. Of course, the operation was coordinated and directed by the Mossad and the CIA. Following the outrage of Ecuador's sovereignty, a judge in Ecuador issued an arrest warrant against Juan Manuel Santos 2009 and sent to Interpol, but the Secretariat of the Organization based in France did not respond. At the same time, the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, asked the Interpol arrest. However, nothing happened and what happened came into oblivion.

Summary Latinoamericano publication also reported that behind the assassination of commander of the Eastern Bloc of the FARC, Jorge Briceno Suarez, alias Mono Jojoy in 2010 was Juan Manuel Santos. It is known that the current president wept with joy when news of the treacherous murder came in 2011 FARC commander Alfonso Cano, helpless and blind having lost his glasses while negotiating the opening of negotiations to achieve a peace agreement. According to Latin summary, the order of Santos was more explicit: "Kill him!" For journalist Pablo Solana, "peace, perception of Santos, is another step in a career of opportunism and unscrupulousness".

Now the Nobel Peace Prize try to achieve the maximum advantage over the guerrillas making renegotiate the peace agreements without offering any collateral in form of renegotiation and implementation that definitely would not be very favorable to the FARC and later the same would happen with the agreements with the ELN, whose discussion will begin next October 27 in Quito, Ecuador. The Nobel Prize is he making this task easy by giving additional authority that allowed Santos to revoke the bilateral ceasefire on October 31. Thus, the system is sealing the final destination of the FARC by insurance unconditional servant, Juan Manuel Santos.

The 'false positives', 'scorched earth', 'ethnic cleansing', 'forced displacement', 'persecution of the progressive opposition', 'targeted killings', all is forgotten and a generous award is given to one of the main perpetrators of these crimes, although one of the leading newspapers of the globalizers lit at the service of 1% of the richest and most powerful, the Wall Street Journal, accused the Norwegian Committee of being "naive". In the perception of this newspaper, "in Colombia, the man who does deserve the prize is President Uribe, whose campaign against the FARC became more secure life for millions of Colombians."

For these enlightened globalizers war is the only safest way to achieve peace. And what disliked was that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded not the creator of 'false positives', Alvaro Uribe, but its implementer, Juan Manuel Santos. Thus, the spokesman for the exclusive international elite openly acknowledges that "not everyone who won a Nobel deserves it."

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