Wednesday 30 November 2016

Domestic Violence! “Gacetilleros y Feministas” de Voces Latinas Cómplices de la Destrucción de Niños y Padres de Familia Latino Americanos perpetrados por la Policía, Sociedades Privadas y Sistema Judicial!!!

Child Protection Service Is One Of The World’s All Time Most Deadly Organizations

Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Trafficking Rings
Child Sex Trafficking Children Sold
There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child. Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of parents to guard their children’s welfare with their lives. When we read or hear about parents who have lost children our collective hearts break for these parents and grieve for the lost children.
What do us as parents do when key public officials, large corporations as well as powerful governmental institutions the key players in both stealing and sexually abusing our children? In my years of investigating these heinous crimes against humanity, I have learned that many in the global elite do not view the abduction and sexual abuse of our children to be a crime.
 Criminal Child Protective Services Profits on Destroying Children & Family - GA Sen Nancy Schaefer 
I have interviewed experts who have detailed stories of how our children are abducted by the various states run CPS’ and then trafficked into sex rings which service such events as the Super Bowl. As recently as three months ago, the FBI busted a child sex trafficking ring associated with the most recent Super Bowl in New York City. The corporate controlled media reported the bust as if the problem was now solved. There are dozens of such sex rings who steal children, in one form or another, and then prostitute these children to various Super Bowl functions. Many times, these children are exploited right under the noses of NFL security and local authorities because it’s good for business.

Powerful as God - Children's Aid Societies of Ontario
Of course this is a problem because we’ve aided and abetted the creation of a system which allows government to take control of our children’s lives.
Alerta! Compatriotas; Tengan cuidado en quiénes ustedes confían sus problemas. "No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio, o clínica legal son sus Redentores" 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Child Protection Service Is One Of The World’s All Time Most Deadly Organizations


There are good reporters and editors out there who do run great stories and good television journalists, who for years have been trying to educate the public and the politicians about what is going on, but we need more of those types of people. We have Members of Parliament and Senators who are disgusted out of their minds but they can’t change the systems on their own, they need our support.

Every time I see a petty squabble between the factions of this movement I hang my head and think, don’t they know this is what Child Protection Service (CPS) wants, to divide and conquer?

We are going to need to pull together or our children are going to hang separately and we will share the blame with one of the world’s all time most deadly organizations, CPS.

Yes, ALL social workers who are contracted to work in the foster care system are evil. They feed off hate to pay their credit cards  and morgages. Children mean profit . Sometimes may just a game to cause long-term damage to families, a joke they will share amongst their friends.

Alerta! Compatriotas; Tengan cuidado en quién ustedes confían sus problemas. "No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio, o clínica legal son sus Redentores" 

Sunday 20 November 2016


Secretos Despiadados Soterrados por los “Gacetilleros de Voces Latinas.

Cinco ambulancias que se utilizaron para cometer crímenes y transportar víctimas de ejecuciones policiales en Toronto, hoy mancillan con sangre inocente las bodegas de aduanas en Ecuador.

Alertamos una vez más al gobierno y pueblo Ecuatoriano, que las ambulancias donadas por el Municipio de Toronto, tienen un historial patibulario. Son camionetas que han sido utilizadas especialmente para cometer crímenes brutales  y transportar a víctimas del salvajismo y ejecuciones extrajudiciales cometidas por la policía de Toronto. “El Mayor de Toronto,  paramédico David Barker, policía y la persona que transportara estas camionetas de auxilio a su destino final, conocen que las Ambulancias recibidas por el abate de la Parroquia San Lorenzo,  están inundadas con sangre de mártires.”

Políticos que Aprueban Habilidades Criminales

Quien es el diplomático que dirige la Caravana  de la Esperanza                                                                                                                Fue coronado en Canadá como sacerdote de la orden Anglicana, Iglesia que está implicado en la barbarie  perpetrada en las célebres “Escuelas Residenciales.”  Donde 50.000 niños de las “Primeras Naciones” fueron sometidos a tortura física y mental, abuso sexual, enfermedades contagiosas, asesinados, y sus cuerpos incinerados o enterrados en fosas comunes. Cómplice del genocidio perpetrado por sacerdotes Anglicanos, en niños indígenas, jamás denunciado a los feligreses del templo San Lorenzo, o comunidad internacional.