Tuesday 26 April 2016


Mnar Muhawesh: "No tenemos Principales Medios de Comunicación, tenemos Medios de Información Extremistas '
De acuerdo con una encuesta reciente, casi la mitad de los estadounidenses desconfían de los medios de comunicación, que el editor en jefe de la menta Prensa de Noticias, cree que se debe a que "los medios de comunicación nos están mintiendo."
WASHINGTON - La confianza en los medios de comunicación ha llegado a mínimos dramáticos, y el fundador y editor en jefe MintPress Noticias 'cree que es porque "los medios de comunicación nos están mintiendo."
Mnar Muhawesh apareció en RT de "Observación de los Hawks" el 22 de abril, donde se dijo anfitriones Tyrel Ventura y Tabetha Wallace que el público en general es adecuado para crecer desconfiar de los medios de comunicación. "La precisión en la presentación de informes se ha ido," sugirió Muhawesh.
Dos informes recientes ponen de relieve la lucha de los medios de comunicación modernos para la exactitud y pertinencia.
Patrocinador oficial MintPress
El 20 de abril, Reporteros sin Fronteras publicó su informe anual "World Press Freedom Index." Los Estados Unidos se clasificó 41, por encima del 49 el año pasado, pero todavía muy por detrás de otros países desarrollados, incluidos los países de alto rango de Finlandia, Países Bajos, y Noruega. Nuestro vecino del norte, Canadá, también se clasificó superior a los 18 años.
"Esto se ha convertido en una era de la propaganda, especialmente bajo la administración Obama", advirtió Muhawesh, paráfrasis del propio informe.
Explicando baja clasificación de los Estados Unidos, RSF citaron "la guerra del gobierno de los denunciantes que revelen información acerca de sus actividades de vigilancia, espionaje y operaciones en el extranjero, especialmente los vinculados a la lucha contra el terrorismo." El grupo también advirtió que los EE.UU. carece de un " ley escudo "que protegería a los periodistas de ser obligados a revelar sus fuentes.
"Para alguien que se preocupa por la libertad de prensa o la democracia, esto debe referirse a ellos", dijo Muhawesh. "Esto ha sentado un precedente muy peligroso en nuestra libertad de prensa."
Y el 18 de abril, la Associated Press informó el deterioro de la confianza de los estadounidenses en los medios de comunicación, como lo demuestra un estudio conjunto entre el Centro de Prensa-NORC Asociado de Investigación de Asuntos Públicos y el Instituto Prensa.
"Sólo el 6 por ciento de las personas dicen que tienen mucha confianza en los medios de comunicación, poniendo a la industria de las noticias más o menos igual al Congreso y muy por debajo de la vista del público y de otras instituciones", según la AP.
En "Ver a los Hawks," Muhawesh alabó crecientemente la toma de conciencia del público americano la polarización de los medios de comunicación, señalando que sólo seis empresas controlan la mayoría de los informes de noticias estadounidense. "No tenemos unos medios de comunicación, tenemos un medio de comunicación muy extremista para sonar los tambores de guerra", dijo.
Ventura y Wallace también pidieron Muhawesh a comentar sobre los esfuerzos del Congreso para liberar las 28 páginas de anuncios de la censura de la Comisión Informe 9/11. Muhawesh describe a sí misma como escéptico: "Nuestros políticos son una vez más tratando de mostrar que se preocupan por 9/11".
También señaló que el apoyo de EE.UU. a Arabia Saudita ha ayudado a sostener al reino, pero su economía está fallando, no obstante. El Fondo Monetario Internacional advirtió en enero que la economía del Reino del Golfo podría colapsar en 2020.
Entre el aumento de la inestabilidad económica y una creciente conciencia de la posible función en Arabia 9/11, así como sus crímenes de guerra, dice Muhawesh estrecha amistad de Arabia Saudí con los EE.UU. no puede durar para siempre.
"Creo que esa relación y realidad está llegando a su fin", dijo. "El petrodólar va a colapsar por completo."
Mira "Medios de Comunicación Fallan & No redactadas las 28 Páginas" de RT de "Observación de los Hawks":
Compatriotas; tengan cuidado en quienes ustedes confían sus problemas. “No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio o clínica legal son sus Redentores”

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Canada was involved in the Syrian war? Prime Minister of Canada and Mr. Ezra Levant: Syrian children are facing ‘catastrophic’ psychological trauma!!!

The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything. - Clarence Darrow

EZRA LEVANT! “PENNANT OF THE RACIST JOURNALISM IN CANADA” For the journalist Ezra Levant racism has become a banner to justify his anger against communities who are different from their dangerous nationalist design. For years he has demonstrated a fascist and discriminatory attitude towards different communities, racially motivated against blacks, Asians, Latinos, Islamists ... His instinct of racial superiority, aims to end the rights that people have according to the Convention on the status of Refugees. This journalist is prone of racial hatred against the minority groups, he must learn to be respectful regardless the color of the skin, religion and ideology.

Image result for Images of war of Syria childrenImage result for Images of war of Syria childrenImage result for Images of war of Syria childrenImage result for Images of war of Syria childrenImage result for Images of war of Syria childrenImage result for Images of war of Syria children
Syrian children are facing ‘catastrophic’ psychological trauma

December 8, 2015
Syrian refugee child picture from Save The Children report
Picture: Save The Children (Childhood in the Shadow of War)
By Thomson Reuters Foundation
A generation of Syrian children are facing "catastrophic" psychological damage with one in four inside Syria at risk of developing a mental health disorder from witnessing traumatic events, a global children's charity said today.
The psychological needs of children fleeing four-and-a-half years of war remain largely unmet due to lack of funding, spiralling numbers of refugees and over-stretched resources in host countries, Save the Children said in a report.
"The repercussions for the future mental health of an entire generation could be catastrophic," Ian Rodgers, country director for Save the Children in Lebanon, said in a statement.
"In addition to the obvious psychological damage caused by witnessing traumatic events and extreme violence, there are a myriad of secondary, under-funded and often over-looked, daily causes of psychological and social damage once a displaced child arrives in a new community."
Some 10% of children participating in Save the Children programmes in the Iraqi Kurdistan region had lost at least one parent, while in Lebanon a "considerable portion" have been out of school for at least three years, the charity said.
Join the campaign to give hope to one million Syrian refugee children
"For children ... being out of school for months or years, dealing with the acute tension and anxiety at home, as well as separation from friends and relatives, daily discrimination, child labour, early marriage, and living in insecure, poor parts of cities or towns, has a serious and profound impact on their mental and physical health," Rodgers said.
Normal routines, such as being able to go to school and seeing their parents carrying out regular household duties, are crucial for children, Rodgers said.
Among teenagers acute stress is leading to suicidal thoughts and self-harm, with a few suicides documented in some locations, said Save the Children. Other widely reported issues include speech disorders, problems with hearing or vision, and bed wetting.
 "Leaving children untreated has a negative impact later on - they can become aggressive, depressed, and acquire phobias," Reem Nasri, Save the Children psychologist said.
Syria's war, which erupted in 2011, has killed some 250,000 people and created more than four million refugees.
Read the Save The Children report.

Canada's Defense Department said on Wednesday that Canadian armed forces conducted their first air strike in Syria... Syrian children are facing ‘catastrophic’ psychological trauma!!!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

“Medios de Información Canadienses Instrumentos de Control Mental”

Las dos más Grandes Organizaciones Criminales Operando en Canadá: de Toronto y Católica Suciedades de Ayuda para la Ninez.
Sr. Lemay : "Los niños y las familias que atendemos tienen derecho a la privacidad" La farsa del derecho a la privacidad en Canadá! Es una conveniencia para el gobierno y las instituciones privadas, para cometer todo tipo de atrocidades en familias indefensas. El tráfico de niños con fines de lucro, trae como resultado la destrucción de decenas de miles de niños y sus padres anualmente.

Children's aid families’ names posted online

A Brockville-area children's aid society reels after names of 285 clients were posted on Facebook.

Police are investigating an unprecedented security breach at a Brockville-area children’s aid society after an electronic file containing the names of 285 families involved with Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville was made available on Facebook.
The breach was discovered Monday at 1:42 p.m. after both a client and a community member called the society to complain that a link to the confidential report was posted on the Smith’s Falls Swapshop Facebook page, executive director Ray Lemay told the Star Monday night.
The society doesn’t know how long the link had been on the members-only page or if it has been shared more widely, he said.
“We’re looking into whether it has gone any further than that. But we are not sure at this point,” Lemay said.
Publishing or otherwise identifying families involved with child protection agencies contravenes the provincial Child and Family Services Act and carries fines of up to $10,000 and three years in jail.
The names were part of a statistical report to the society’s community board of directors on new cases between April and November 2015, Lemay said.
A link to the report was obtained by someone — “likely a disgruntled client” — who hacked the secure portal for board members on the society’s website, he said. No staff or board members are suspected of the breach, he said.
“Our suspicion, which is a fairly firm suspicion, is that it is a current client who is very disgruntled, very unhappy with us,” he said. “We have contacted the police. Our lawyer has sent a letter to the website owner as well as to this individual telling them what they are doing is, we think, illegal.”
Staff will begin calling all 285 families to tell them about the privacy breach first thing Tuesday morning, Lemay added.
“I apologize for this — we will act to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. The children and families we serve have a right to privacy — and they deserve respect,” Lemay said in a statement released Monday night. “Moreover, that someone would inappropriately obtain, then post this document on the Internet purposefully, is deeply troubling. Furthermore, this action is likely in direct contravention to the Child and Family Services Act and directly harms the children and families we serve.”
“Because of the nature of our work, emotions regarding CAS can run high,” Lemay added. “That said, there is no excuse for a person to deliberately expose our clients in this way.”
The society also takes responsibility for the security breach.
“Obviously there was a lapse at our end. That portal was not secure enough. The information should simply not have been accessible,” Lemay said in an interview. “We acknowledge that. There’s no doubt about our mistake in this, too.”
Lemay, who retired in 2014 as executive director of the Prescott-Russell children’s aid society after 30 years in the field, came out of retirement recently to lead the Lanark, Leeds Grenville society.
“This is very much a first, as far as I can tell,” he said of the incident.
The Ontario Association for Children’s Aid Societies, which represents the province’s 47 societies, said a privacy violation of this magnitude is unprecedented.
“We can’t even acknowledge that somebody is in our care when the media asks about it, even if it is all over social media,” spokeswoman Caroline Newton said.
“This is totally unacceptable,” she added. “The police are involved, as this is very serious. (The society) will be taking steps to figure out what happened and to fix it. And they will work with the people affected.”
Barbara Goderre, administrator for the 13,000-member Smith’s Falls Swapshop Facebook page, said she had no idea the link was related to a confidential children’s aid report.
“If I’d have known, I would have been all over that,” she said in an interview. “It’s awful that someone would do something like that.”
A police spokeswoman declined to comment on the case.
“Desgraciada la generación cuyos jueces merecen ser juzgados” .El Talmud.

“Desgraciada la generación cuyos jueces merecen ser juzgados” .El Talmud.