Thursday 10 November 2016

“Gacetilleros y Feministas de Voces Latinas son Cómplices de la Destrucción de Niños y Padres de Familia Latino Americanos perpetrados por la Policía, Sociedades Privadas y Sistema Judicial”

El sufrimiento y destrucción causada por la difusión de violencia doméstica en Radio Voces Latinas es un crimen contra la humanidad, repudiado por la comunidad Latino Americana en Canadá. Miles de familias, especialmente Centro Americanas 
han sido cercenadas por libertinas, la policía racista e instituciones de gobierno que se benefician del infortunio de niños, madres solas con hijos, y padres de familia. Violencia doméstica en este país es un negocio proficiente para abogados, suciedades protectoras de la niñez, poder judicial, cárceles, etc… 
An experienced Canadian lawyer with over 35 years’ experience, Walter Fox, speaks about the problem with family law in Canada today. As many Canadians are learning, the family court industry robs most people in the family courts of their assets and destroys families. According to this lawyer, the days of family court are numbered.

A Canadian father who is a professional educator gives his advice to young men on the subject of marriage and having children in Canada.

While marriage was once an honourable institution based on an equal partnership between loving persons, unfortunately, the family courts in Canada have become morally corrupted with large numbers of Canadian fathers being torn away from their children and stripped of their financial assets. In the process, those in the legal industry profit off the misery that is created by the system.

Many Canadian fathers are living in poverty with many taking their own lives as a result of the family courts.

Many believe that Canadian society is being adversely affected with the majority of Canadians no longer having faith in Canada's system of justice.
 A hard working Canadian father speaks about his experience with abuse and corruption in Canada's morally corrupt family court system. He was originally an immigrant who came to Canada hoping for a better life here. If he had known about the justice system beforehand, he would have never come to Canada. The family court system is bringing shame to Canada world-wide.
Alerta! Compatriotas; Tengan cuidado en quién ustedes confían sus problemas. "No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio, o clínica legal son sus Redentores" 
Nuestro Repudio a los Gobiernos Asesinos y para sus Seguidores que Residen en Canadá
            Feliz Cumpleanos...

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