Saturday 13 August 2016

The Ecuadorian policy in Toronto is determined by the power of one religious local boss...

Sr. Consul of Ecuador, Rolando Vera: Two E-mails dated July 18 and 20, 2016. Also several calls made to your office in Toronto?

Census of Latin American immigrants to Canada by country of birth (2011)
Ecuador: 13.635 3.6% 0.2%

According to the census conducted in Canada in 2011, the Ecuadorian population in Canada is approximately 13 635 inhabitants; the majority of emigrants have settled in Toronto.

During the last two decades without the consent of the Latin American community in Canada, a priest of the Anglican order from Ecuador, with the adjudication of his parish, a radio station and legal clinic, a self-proclaimed "Casique" has acquired a legendary status for himself.

Because of his guerrilla (Carajo) skills he is enjoying several privileges for his standing in the Canadian and Ecuadorian politics “Alianza Pais” as a member of the Ecuadorian political bureau.

 Compatriots: I bring to you the lack of political representation by the Ecuadorian government to organize all Ecuadorians living in Toronto, under one flag, and from the White north can be heard in one voice:
“Long Life to Ecuador”
    This small group of people from different nationalities represents the Ecuadorian community?

Nadir Siguencia <>

Cosulado Ecuatoriano en Toronto                 Nadir Siguencia
                                                                 Toronto, Ontario  

Señor Cónsul; sería tan amable enviarme el itinerario de atención al publico en su digna oficina para formalizar el empadronamiento, requisito indespensable para los Ecuatorianos.

Gracias por su atención,

Nadir Siguencia 

Targeting Canada's 'invisible' Hispanic community (Glove and Mail)
In the last few years, Canadian marketers have been retooling their organizations to target newcomers to the country. Ethnic media are bursting with ads targeting Chinese, Filipino and South Asian immigrants. (Or at least as bursting as media outlets are these days.) But there’s another group of newcomers, all but unknown and ignored, that some people believe present a sweet opportunity to savvy companies willing to learn another language: Hispanic-Canadians.
Compatriotas; tengan cuidado en quienes ustedes confían sus problemas. “No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio o clínica legal son sus Redentores
Jul 18

to Consulado

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