Monday 22 August 2016

Compatriots; be careful in whom you trust your problems. "Not all smiling in a church, radio station or legal clinic are your saviors

ALERT! Which "mouthpieces of the Community Radio" are helping to cover-up the impunity of heinous crimes perpetrated against children and parents by the state and the Children’s Aid Societies? 

Mainstream media! Jolly Papassay: I was a happy child living with my grandmother; living with my family I told my children Aid worker and nothing was done I was labeled a liar, a troublemaker…
Mainstream Media!Toni  Grann: I was rape, sodomize, sexually assaulted, sexually humiliated in every way she perform…  
 B. Children's Aid Society (CAS) routinely call for "psychiatric assessment" of parents to keep government money flowing to them as long as possible:
1.      Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is a 567 "yes/no" test used by psychologists and Children's Aid Societies (CAS) to determine which mental illness you have as a parent. It is assumed that everyone has a mental illness. The MMPI-2 does not test if you have a mental illness, it determines which one you have!

2.      "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 is structured to produce false positive conclusions that anyone taking the test is afflicted with some degree of psychological problems. ... Another key science fraud element is structuring psychological testing to produce false positive conclusions that anyone responding to all items on the instrument has some psychological disorder. The central science fraud problem with psychological testing is the incorporation of numerous logical fallacies into the interpretive structure. For example, there is no set of responses a person can give to the MMPI-2 that will score zero on all the scales used to interpret responses to the instrument. The MMPI-2 is not designed to detect the presence or absence of psychological disorders, it presumes the existence of multiple psychological disorders and is only designed to identify which disorders are present. No experiment has documented that all individuals have psychological disorders that are the product of physiological disorders. The mental health professions are based on the medical model that psychological problems are the product of physiological disorders. A major reason for the ongoing science fraud in psychological testing is the failure of States to require that psychological testing and evaluators comply with Deceptive and Unconscionable Trade Practices Code. Using tests and methodology designed to falsely indicate anyone tested or evaluated has mental health problems violates such code. Medical testing labs that falsely report positive results for all persons taking a diagnostic test to sell them additional services have been prosecuted or sued by States Attorneys General." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)

  1. Stopping psychologists from influencing the justice System: "Bogus psychology is often used to fuel "dueling experts," who mislead the courts daily, deluding judges and juries into believing that their procedures and opinions are uncontroversial and based on responsible, scientific research. This activity has become so rampant that the proposed Truth and Responsibility in Mental Health Practices Act would require "all psychotherapists and social scientists to tell the truth in American courts of law." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 276)
  2. "officially authenticated diagnoses regularly function as evidence in legal proceedings of all kinds, and their medical validity is rarely if ever questioned." (Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 5)
  3. CAS will almost always call for a "psychiatric assessment" as a tactical move in order to keep your kids for another year. They get your kids, they get government money, they get your child tax credits. You cry and wonder how this can happen in the civilized world!
  4. The CAS case workers often tells parents that they are mentally ill as a way of impairing their ability to get their children back. All the CAS caseworker has to do is suggest in court that they believe the parents are mentally ill and the judge (for reasons we do not understand) just blindly accepts this and forced an "assessment" on the family at their expense. All the while the CAS have their children farmed out to a secret location inside home of some foster parents who are only "doing it for the money".
  5. The parents pay the cost of a psychiatric assessment. The psychiatry industry makes HUGE money off these psychiatric assessments of a family. The cost is $6000-35,000.
  6. At 30-40 hours, they take 30 - 40 weeks, if you meet with the "assessor" only one hour a week. All the while the CAS has your kids!
  7. There is nothing the parent can do. If you do not pay the money and submit to the junk science of modern pop psychological assessment of your family, you won't see your kids again. If you do submit, you might see your kids in a year. That's until the CAS thinks of another stalling tacking to use on your family while they sip their morning flavored coffee.
  8. The Psychology industry is separating people from their families, their communities and their churches, promoting stereotypic and hostile views of men and women, degrading friendship, and generally promoting distrust and suspicion. While no one would condone serious abuse, the Psychology industry re-interprets vague recollections, making minor events sinister. And while no one would excuse domestic violence, the Psychology industry blurs the concept and ignores the context. The Psychology Industry promotes fear and inequality, treating all interpersonal relationships as potentially threatening. It is teaching people to see others as potential enemies, to be monitored, scrutinized and accused. As a result, it is squelching the human tendencies to trust, to flirt, to seduce, to argue and yell, to assume responsibility, to be cautious, to take risks, to be passionate, to make the right choices and to make mistakes. (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 272)
  9. "In an effort to appear humane, courts have moved towards referring for psychological treatment not only crime victims but also those who have been convicted of a crime in which "psychological problems" are identified as a factor. in some jurisdictions, employers are also mandated to provide treatment for employees with psychological problems, such as alcohol and substance abuse or sexual disorders. Similarly, workers' compensation programs now include provisions for job-related stress, and stress debriefings are required for both victims of trauma and emergency personnel. While these treatments generally lack any proof of their long-term effectiveness, they have become legally sanctioned, publicly endorsed and accepted, and are widely used. in referring to publicly accredited psychological services as "sanctified snake oil," Susan Sarnoff, professor of Social Work at Ohio University, states that government support and funding of "junk social science" creates an implied approval of these bogus methods that is unwarranted and wasteful of tax dollars. She warns that what is truly dangerous, at this time in history, is not the sale of "snake oil" but rather that it is legitimized by these official stamps of approval" (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 276) 
12.  "The definition of child abuse in State Code should be amended to include the following acts: (a) Causing a child to undergo an unnecessary child abuse examination with a willful false child abuse allegation; (b) Causing a child to be wrongfully removed from parental custody; (c) Causing a child to undergo unwarranted abuse interviews; (d) Causing a child to receive therapy for trauma they have not suffered; (e) Creating false memories in children; (f) Forcing, coercing, threatening or enticing children to falsely accuse their parents or any person of child abuse or any criminal act; and (g) Teaching children to use false abuse allegations to obtain what they want." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)

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