Thursday 11 August 2016

ALERT! Latin American Community, which "mouthpieces of the Community Radio" in complicity with feminist’s from legal clinics are destroying families in our community.

  Gender Violence!!! Or “Violent State Enterprises Created for the destruction of families”
The Real Crime Scene in Ours Provincial, Superior and Appeal Courts with Judges, Crown Attorneys, Lawyers, Social Workers, Police, False Witness and the Minister of Correctional Services the Real Criminals. The Canadian Justice system is based in greed and profit not justice, the more families and people reduce to utter ruin and sent to prison the more they profit. 
How feminism succeeded in destroying family relationships

The complete article you can read at:
My quarrel with the movement was that from the very beginning a hard core of middle aged Marxist women, many of whom were deeply embedded into the education system, Universities, Civil Service and the media were lying to women everywhere. They were not concerned with the day to day life of women at home with their children. Their main ambition was to re-educate women into believing that the family was a dangerous place for women and children and that in this new dawn the family would be defined as women with their children and men’s roles as protectors and providers would be dispensed with. The bait was that feminism was about seeking equality with men and most women and some men were fooled

I was very aware that, of the first hundred women who came into the refuge, 62 of them were more violent than the men they left. I knew the entire histories of the families that came into my care. I also saw any of the men who wanted my help and I tried to open a men’s refuge because I recognized that the roots of domestic violence lay in intergenerational family violence. My concern was to create a therapeutic community to help my violence prone women and their children who needed time to learn different strategies for survival other than violence. Women who were innocent victims of their partner’s violence didn’t need therapy but they did need a safe place to stay with their children until they could move on into the community.

The feminist movement also moved into the field of training the Judiciary the police, social workers and all family agencies. Many women were advised by lawyers to obtain a quick divorce by claiming that they were victims of domestic violence. In Canada when a father came home from work and found his house empty of his partner and children it was called ‘hoovering.’ If he called to police to say his family was missing he was not told where they were — all that the police would say that she and the children were safe. If he did not submit to his wife’s demands she could then claim (this is called the ‘silver bullet’) that he had molested his children and he could never see them again.

The courts became uniformly hostile to men and fathers. A punitive programme called the ‘Duluth Model’ was introduced in 2006 it was called a perpetrator’s programme and Judges were advised by family agencies that fathers should complete to programme even if they had been found innocent of all allegations against them made by their partners. There was no therapeutic intent behind this model, its main concern was to shame and bully men desperate to see their children that they had to begin by apologising for their male privileges and they also had to confess that they were guilty of abusing women by virtue of being men. If a man refused he would not be allowed to see his children.

A rising number of broken men began to surface on the internet telling of how false accusations meant that they were dragged from their homes by partners who no longer had to offer any evidence to back up their allegations. In Western democracies everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proved guilty. Men lost that right and they were deemed guilty and had to prove their innocence. Men lost their children when vicious women decided that they would abort any attempt to let a father see his children and the courts did nothing about it.
                                                      CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?
 Compatriotas; tengan cuidado en quienes ustedes confían sus problemas. “No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio o clínica legal son sus Redentores

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