Friday 9 January 2015

“Nuevos reclutas que pertenecen a la policía de Toronto es otra de las graduaciones de la Escuela de las Américas”

By Maryam Shah, Toronto Sun Apply Today

Chief of Police Mr. Bill Blair: “You will inevitably be the object of unfair criticism and comment from people who do not understand the challenges that you face. You will encounter violent criminals...                                                                                      

                                    “Do not let the worst of our society deter you from your mission.”                                                                              “LA CORTE PENAL INTERNACIONAL PARA CRÍMENES DE LESA HUMANIDAD”

Es necesario entender la naturaleza de lo que es barbarie, para comprender cómo la policía  practica el terrorismo interno, y el daño irreversible que pueden causar con niños, mujeres y hombres. Para estar bien informados sobre la brutalidad policial, nada mejor que mirar en este sitio web, los videos y documentos publicados. La policía de Toronto está demostrando que con el uso de uniformes, ellos pueden hacer lo que quieran, y también les da poder para cometer crímenes de lesa humanidad. En sus filas la policía de Toronto tiene una colección vil de criminales, secuestradores, torturadores, matones, inadaptados, y sádicos, unidos entre sí con su filosofía de odio racial, y su amor por el saqueo and destrucción de familias. Vamos a demostrar con pruebas irrefutables, cómo la policía de Toronto son símbolos para crear terror y violencia en niños, madres y padres de familias. Además la arrogancia para mentir bajo juramento, y las habilidades que están utilizando para controlar a niños desamparados,  madres vulnerables, y padres bajo intimidación y tortura en las estaciones de policía. Aquí están las pruebas e evidencias de nuestras  pesadillas reveladas, historias terribles que reposan en los archivos gubernamentales y públicos, hechos verídicos que  demuestran la veracidad de nuestras denuncias, dolor, sufrimiento, y torturas, sufridas a manos de estos siniestros delincuentes.

Chief Bill Blair: “You will inevitably be the object of unfair criticism and comment from people who do not understand the challenges that you face. You will encounter violent criminals, people who assault women and abuse children? 

News Toronto & GTA                                                                                                                                New Toronto Police grads ready to serve
Maryam Shah, Toronto Sun                                                                                                               First posted: Thursday, January 08, 2015 07:38 PM EST | Updated: Thursday, January 08, 2015 07:52 PM EST
                                                                           New officers the graduation ceremony march at Toronto Police College in Etobicoke Thursday January 8, 2015. (Michael Peake/Toronto Sun)
Chief Bill Blair: “You will inevitably be the object of unfair criticism and comment from people who do not understand the challenges that you face. You will encounter violent criminals, people who assault women?and abuse children... 
TORONTO - Jessica Lyden always knew her life would include serving the public in some capacity.                               The 34-year-old mother of two was one of 88 new graduates who officially became police officers at the Toronto Police College on Thursday.                                                                                                                                      “I want to be an influence in terms of, when I deal with someone in the public, they look back and they think ‘That was a good interaction with a police officer,’” Lyden said confidently as her proud husband and kids stood by her.                                                                                                                                                          The constable became a mom at a young age and worked as a travelling salesperson until she finally decided to apply to become a cop at the age of 32.                                                                                                       Now, Lyden is scheduled to begin her new gig at 42 Division on Monday.                                                                  “I always knew that service would be in my life,” she said.                                                                                               The graduation ceremony was attended by hundreds of excited family and friends as well as politicians and public servants, including Mayor John Tory and Councillor Rob Ford.                                                                     It was also the last ceremony for outgoing Chief Bill Blair.                                                                                                         “It’s an opportunity for renewal for the organization, it’s another big step forward,” Blair said.                     Toronto Police said around 20% of                                                                                                                                       the newly minted officers were women. Minorities represented just under 40%. And more than 80% had completed post-secondary education.                                                                                                                                     More than half the graduating class speaks a language in addition to English.                                                              Const. Ashraf Ibrahim, 31, is one of them. He speaks Arabic and hopes the language will prove useful.          The former parking enforcement officer always dreamed of being a cop.                                                                               “We know that there’s a huge expectation on our shoulders,” Ibrahim said. “Hopefully I can be out there making a difference.”                                                                                                                                                                               In a speech, Tory reminded the new recruits “remaining approachable” is an important part of the job.                    “Our honesty and integrity are                                                                                                                                           under constant scrutiny because we have been given such extraordinary responsibilities,” Tory said.
You will encounter people who are, quite frankly, not worthy of your respect.                                                          Chief Bill  Blair:                                                              
                   “Do not let the worst of our society deter you from your mission.” 
NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE!!                                                                                
                                                                             deter you from your mission.”

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