Monday 5 January 2015

Ni perdón ni olvido! “Son los gritos de dolor y la angustia de nuestros hijos"

                                                                                                                                Ni perdón ni olvido! Son los gritos de dolor y la angustia de nuestros hijos"
Finalmente uno de los peores represores canadienses dejará el cargo de Ministro de Asuntos de Veteranos. El señor Julián Fantino, como jefe de la policía de Toronto, se caracterizó por su ferocidad de crear pánico en los residentes en las viviendas públicas, ordenando el secuestro y tortura de niños, criminalizando a las personas de las comunidades minoritarias, por la persecución y la tortura de activistas sociales. Este ex jefe de la policía de Toronto podría ser comparado con el represor latinoamericano de la talla de Manuel Contreras de Chile, (Dina) Ni perdón ni olvido! Son los gritos de dolor y la angustia de nuestros hijos"
 NATIONAL POST: Fantino nació en Italia en 1942, cuando el país estaba bajo el yugo de los fascistas de Benito Mussolini. No sería sino hasta dos años después de que las fuerzas aliadas, incluyendo miles de canadienses, habría liberar al país.
How Julian Fantino went from star MP to political liability: ‘He has not heard the pleas of our veterans’
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, left, shakes hands with Conservative MP Julian Fantino on April 7, 2011.  (Photo by Peter J. Thompson/National Post) (For Story by /National Post/National) //NATIONAL POST STAFF PHOTO
Peter J. Thompson/National Post)Prime Minister Stephen Harper, left, shakes hands with Conservative MP Julian Fantino on April 7, 2011. (Photo by Peter J. Thompson/National Post) (For Story by /National Post/National) //NATIONAL POST STAFF PHOTO                                                                                                    Analysis                                                                                                                                                                              When Julian Fantino was elected to Parliament in November 2010, he was seen as a star. A former Toronto police chief and Ontario Provincial Police commissioner, the hard-nosed police boss had the credentials to shine in a Conservative government that billed itself as tough on crime.                                                  Four years later, the view is very different.                                                                                                                When auditor general Michael Ferguson released a critical report detailing the hurdles many veterans still face trying to access mental health services, Mr. Fantino was an ocean away in Italy. His office defended the trip, which marked the 70th anniversary of the Second World War’s Italian campaign. But some questioned whether Mr. Fantino was running from the auditor’s findings. Or worse, whether Prime Minister Stephen Harper had decided to keep him out of sight.                                                                   Some see Mr. Fantino’s performance at Veterans Affairs as spectacularly disastrous. Footage of a nasty exchange with veterans in January, where the minister took issue with a finger-jabbing soldier before storming out, went viral. So did video of Mr. Fantino being chased down a hallway by the wife of a vet suffering from PTSD in May. Both incidents shadow him to this day.
CNW Group/Veterans Affairs Canada
CNW Group/Veterans Affairs CanadaThe Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs, wishes safe travels to Veterans who are part of an official Government of Canada delegation to Italy to mark the 70th anniversary of the Italian Campaign.                                                                                                                          But those who have worked with Mr. Fantino say those examples don’t do him justice.                                     Four years after arriving in Parliament, Mr. Fantino’s political weaknesses have been exposed and the government is on the defensive when it comes to its treatment of veterans. It could be only a matter of time until he is replaced.                                                                                                                                               On the surface, Mr. Fantino had the hallmarks of an outstanding veterans affairs minister. He ran two large police forces before being elected to Parliament. He performed well as secretary of state for seniors shortly after arriving in Ottawa.                                                                                                                      Former staff, veterans groups and even opposition critics say he harbours a genuine affection for veterans.                                                                                                                                                                                 Related
Perhaps that is not surprising. Mr. Fantino was born in Italy in 1942, when the country was under the heel of Benito Mussolini’s fascists. It wouldn’t be until two years later that Allied Forces, including thousands of Canadians, would free the country.                                                                                                       NDP veterans affairs critic Peter Stoffer, born in the Netherlands, believes the experience was informative because “our parents were both liberated by the Canadians.”                                                         Except the majority of veterans seeking the government’s assistance today are peacekeepers or former military members who served in Afghanistan. Some are still in their 20s. And they haven’t been shy about voicing their anger over the barriers they face gaining support and services.                                             “The majority of veterans are not disabled and disadvantaged,” said former veterans ombudsman Pat Stogran. “The ones who are killing themselves are the ones who are very desperate and being abandoned.”                                                                                                                                                                              Mr. Fantino, as a police chief, displayed little empathy for those — such as aboriginal groups, gay activists and other subsections of society — who sought to air their grievances through public protests. While some described him as tough and no-nonsense, others saw him as polarizing, insensitive and aloof.                                                                                                                                                                                                  “He has no time for political games, or what he thinks are political games,” said one former staff member, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
January 28, 2014: Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino blamed a Tory meeting that ran long as he apologized for showing up “very late” for a scheduled appointment with ex-soldiers after the group called for his resignation.
Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair, however, says Fantino’s actions are disgraceful. He joined the former soldiers in demanding Fantino step down or be fired after the minister abruptly cancelled his meeting with the veterans, only to then appear at the last minute and apparently insult the group.
“If there is a family of a victim, and he thinks you are not representative of the group and you’re doing this to embarrass me, then he’s going to walk away. And he doesn’t give a sh– what anybody thinks about it.”
Mr. Fantino has been able to push some initiatives to help veterans. He launched a review of the New Veterans Charter, the system through which modern veterans receive benefits. He secured more money for funerals and burials. He championed adding the Boer War and Afghanistan to the National War Memorial.
But he has failed to address the most pressing complaints voiced by veterans, including changing the department’s culture to make it more receptive to veterans’ needs, which in turn has contributed to the recent public relations disasters. And when he is challenged in public, the results have not gone well.
“What will live with him through the rest of his career is that finger-pointing,” said an official with one Canadian veterans’ organization. “That was a really bad day that has literally overshadowed his tenure.”

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