Friday 9 September 2016

RED ALERT! Latin American Community, which "mouthpieces of the Community Radio" are helping to cover-up and the impunity of heinous crimes perpetrated by the Metropolitan Toronto Police?

    Concejo de Igualdad para Movilidad Humana Ecuatoriana
Inconcebible que la comunidad Latino Americana en Canadá, gobierno Ecuatoriano, Comunidad San Lorenzo, y especialmente padres de familia de los niños que con sus manitos inocentes colorean dibujos en las ambulancias, no hayan sido informados de su funesto historial. Estos vehículos propiedad del Ayuntamiento de Toronto, fundamentalmente han sido utilizados para cometer toda clase de actos de brutalidad policial, y transportar a víctimas de ejecuciones extrajudiciales. El interior y exterior de estas ambulancias están inundados principalmente de sangre indigentes.    
Compatriotas; tengan cuidado en quienes ustedes confían sus problemas. “No todos los que sonríen en una iglesia, estación de radio o clínica legal son sus Redentores”

Police Killing of Rodrigo Hector Almonacid Gonzalez Raises Questions about SIU (Toronto)

On November 7, 2015, Rodrigo Hector Almonacid Gonzalez, a hospital worker and father of two young sons, died from injuries sustained in an interaction with Toronto police. Less than a day before more than ten Toronto Police officers, including a tactical squad equipped with a battering ram and shields, had forced their way into the Gonzalez home where the 43 year old occupant had apparently locked himself in his bathroom for reasons yet unknown. During the police encounter two Tasers were deployed against Gonzalez and he was taken from the building on a stretcher.

Photographs taken by Gonzalez’s wife at the hospital reveal horrific injuries including a bloody head injury, a black eye, bruising on an arm and shoulder, and what the family believes to be a Taser mark near the victim’s groin. The family was notified that Gonzalez had internal bleeding shortly before he succumbed to his injuries. His mother and wife reported than he had no injuries before police arrived. They also reported being kept from entering the apartment by police officers                  .
Disturbingly, despite the injuries sustained by the victim in his encounter with police and despite his death in hospital the next day, the province’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), tasked with investigating all such incidents of police involved civilian harm, took five days before showing up at the apartment to investigate. The family was not told to preserve the scene in the bathroom where the encounter is believed to have occurred and it is not clear if essential evidence has been lost as a result. SIU should have attended and secured the scene directly once it was reported.
                               Niños y sus manitos inocentes…

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