Sunday 24 June 2012

Of course these Canadian gulags or prisons are similar than the ones which were created by the Stalinism regime in the Soviet Union, in order to cause great suffering and hardship. The mentioning Canadian forced concentration camps for black fellows, social activists and others are places where the living conditions are as bad or worse. Public housing residents from different communities feel helplessness, despair and disenchantment because the actual social accommodation, this is an outrage for the poor. The most disturbing fact against the wounded dwellers is the government dogma to destroy the underclass, adherent the vicious torture for part of the housing staff and the inhuman practices of police brutality against scared children, mothers and seniors.
We are living in one of the richest country in the world, where our government have the duty to protect and respect every citizen regardless of their starting point, race or economic circumstances, but the same cannot be said or happen in Canada. The responsibility, priority of the federal and provincial governments is to provide with affordable housing for the general public and suitable social housing, dismantling the “Canadian gulags desegregation of the poor and homeless.”
I will show to the people of the world the "Little Alcatraz and others ghettos from public housing, the accommodation for our seniors" Oh! golden years.

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