Cada arma que se hace,
cada buque de guerra lanzado, cada cohete disparado, significa
en el sentido final un robo para los que tienen hambre y no son alimentados, para los que tienen frío
y no son cobijados. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Antes de abrir las puertas para el reasentamiento de refugiados en Canadá, surgen muchas preguntas para el gobierno canadiense y los medios de comunicación: 1.- El primer ministro canadiense, Stephen Harper; no es fiable para proteger a su propio pueblo, a causa de la inflación excesiva, alto nivel de pobreza y la falta de vivienda que están afectando a millones de personas en Canadá! 2.- ¿Qué puede ofrecer en términos de protección y solución a los miles de refugiados, que estarían dispuestos a asentarse en el país en forma permanente?
Sección de Opinión del diario Toronto Star: ??? llamando por una compasiva y generosa respuesta a la agonía de Siria ... (Cinics)
Harper shut Canada’s door during Syria’s agony: EditorialHow did the Harper government channel Canada’s compassion in the face of Syria’s agony? By shutting the door on refugees, and delaying their resettlement.
While desperate Syrian refugees were looking for a hand from Canada, the prime minister was playing divisive politics.
Like many Canadians, Prime Minister Stephen
Harper choked up when he saw the photos of a young Syrian refugee, Alan
Kurdi, washed up on a Mediterranean beach last month. Speaking to the
media on Sept. 3, his voice breaking, he called the child’s drowning “a
heartbreaking situation … a terrible tragedy.” And so it was.
But unlike most Canadians, Harper was in a
privileged position to do something about Syria’s swelling refugee
crisis in the months leading up to the boy’s death.
So how did his Conservative government channel
Canada’s compassion in the face of one of the worst humanitarian crises
in memory? By shutting the door on refugees, delaying their resettlement and leaving some in limbo, at a time when the Syrian exodus of misery was cresting.
Last spring, as Syrians were fleeing the
broken country in record numbers, the Prime Minister’s Office instructed
Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander’s department to “review” a “first tranche”
of United Nations-approved, government-assisted refugees from Syria
this year. They were mostly Muslim at the time. But going forward, the
Conservatives were determined that priority should be given to the “most
vulnerable” (read: Christians and other non-Muslim minorities).
Officials were also reportedly reacting to American concern that
terrorists might be trying to sneak in the back door.
No one bothered to tell the Canadian public,
of course. But Harper’s “review” brought the system to a screeching
halt, for several critical weeks at least.
Meanwhile, PMO officials began poking through individual refugee files to see who was moving through the system.
This overt meddling by Harper and his office,
done on the down-low until media reports blew the lid off this past
week, is just the latest manifestation of an anti-Muslim bias by this
government. Harper never loses a chance to invoke the spectre of
Islamist terrorism. And his campaign against niqab-wearing women has
been a low point of the election.
Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau spoke for many
when he described last week’s media reports of PMO interference as
“disgusting.” And New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair accused
Harper of “shaming” the nation. As indeed he has.
From the start, the Harper government’s
response to Syria’s agony has fallen hopelessly short of past Canadian
generosity to tens of thousands of Southeast Asian “boat people,” Czechs
and Hungarians fleeing Soviet communism, Iraqis and others. And it
pales against mobilization in the Middle East, Europe and the Nordic
countries to provide safe haven to as many people as possible.
Canada has managed to resettle barely 2,500
people in the past three years, when civil war has shattered the largely
Muslim Arab country, killed 250,000, and sent four million fleeing
abroad. Until the election, the Harper government’s response was little
more than a cold shrug of indifference.
Shamed by Alan Kurdi’s drowning, and with an
eye to the election polls, the Conservative government was forced to
grudgingly acknowledge that its Syrian policy was hard-hearted.
Suddenly, in mid campaign, Harper came up with a plan to resettle 10,000
Syrians here in the coming year. As the Star said at the time, it was the bare minimum the Tories could hope to get away with, without alienating voters they need.
Even then, it was less generous than Trudeau’s
call to fast-track 25,000 people by year’s end, or Mulcair’s pledge to
resettle 10,000 this year and 9,000 more annually until 2019. Both
opposition leaders took the measure of the nation’s conscience, and
acted accordingly.
When Canadians were calling for a
compassionate, generous response to Syria’s agony, this government was
obsessed with playing divisive politics, dragging its heels, and doing
as little as it could get away with, for as few as possible. We are
better than this.
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